A street Beggar Paragraph

A street Beggar

A street beggar begs in the streets. He is a very familiar figure in the country. Usually, he sits at one side of a street. Sometimes he moves from one place to another to beg. A street beggar is often found at the railway stations and the bus stations. He does not stop until he gets coins from a passer-by. He prays for the passerby after getting coins to form him. Sometimes, he recites a few verses from the holy Quran to draw attention. He begs for alms in a low and modest voice. He is usually sick and weak. He has no house of his own. He sleeps under the open sky or in the street. He can hardly support his family with his small income. Begging cannot be a profession. It should be stopped. For this, the beggars should be rehabilitated.

A street Beggar Paragraph
A street Beggar Paragraph

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