A School Library Paragraph

 A School Library

Library is a storehouse of knowledge. In a library various kinds of books, magazines, newspapers, etc. Students can read different kinds of books in a library. Our school has a library. A librarian manages the library. The books are specially kept for the use of students and teachers. Students are teachers are not satisfied with textbooks only. So we need other books for pleasure and for gaining general knowledge. It comforts us in sorrow and cheers us in distress. There is two reading room attached to the library. Boys and girls have separate rooms. In the reading room, we read books when we have no class to attend. There are about 5,000 books in our library. They include many reference books on our different subjects. It also contains some rare books on history and culture. Only the students can read and borrow books from the library. For this, they have to issue library cards. A student can borrow two or three books at a time and keep them at home for a week. But in the reading room, he is allowed to read as many books as he can. It remains open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on holidays. Every library has some rules and regulations. It is useful for students and teachers.


A School Library Paragraph
A School Library Paragraph

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