A School Magazine Paragraph

 A School Magazine 

A school magazine is generally a literary journal of the school. It is generally published annually or bi-annually. It is considered a training medium of literary writings by young writers. It usually contains stories, poems, jokes, essays etc. The topic for the magazine is selected by the chief editor who gives direction to the student to write properly. They give priority to creative writings. The editor of the school magazine is a teacher and the assistant editor are always chosen from among the students. The school magazine plays an important role in helping the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It is different from a popular or literary journal as it contains mainly the articles of the students. It is also helpful for the teachers to know the inner strength of their students. To speak the truth the school magazine is the perfect platform for future writers. Students feel proud and happy when they find their writing in print. In fact, the school magazine is the first stepping stone for future writers. It is a link between the past and the present students of the school.

A School Magazine Paragraph
A School Magazine Paragraph

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