Price Hick Paragraph for SSC/HSC

Price Hick Paragraph for SSC/HSC

Price hike means an increase in the price of the essential commodities in the market. It is considered one of the major problems in our country. There are many reasons for the price hike. Firstly, insufficient production is responsible for the price hike. Secondly, improper distribution is also responsible for this. Thirdly, dishonest businesspersons and hoarders artificially raise prices for making more profit. Besides, untimely floods and more demand also cause a price hike. The price hike may also cause due to faults in rail and road communications. The poor and the middle-class people of our society are the main victims of this. Nevertheless, the worst sufferers of it are those who live from hand to mouth. Government should take immediate actions to control it. Law enforcement agencies should be deployed in the marketplace to monitor the market price. Law enforcement agencies should work more efficiently. Legal actions must be taken against dishonest businesspersons and hoarders. However, the government, the rich, and the business class people should come forward to ensure the proper distribution of commodities. Now we should research to overcome price hikes in the future.

Price Hick Paragraph for SSC/HSC
Price Hick Paragraph for SSC/HSC

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