A Tea Stall Paragraph

A Tea Stall 

A tea stall is a small shop. Tea is mainly served here to people. A tea stall is a common sight in the town and village markets. We may find it on the street sides, at the bus stand, the launch ghat and the railway stations, in front of an office, by the side of a cinema hall. A few benches or chairs with tables are placed in a tea stall. The customers sit here for taking tea and light refreshment. It is frequented by the weary passers-by, the tired official assistants, the fatigued labourers, the exhausted rickshaw pullers as well as the students and political workers. It removes their tiredness and becomes a way of relaxation. People in cities also gather in tea stalls to have some chit chats and a cup of hot tea adds some extra flavor to their discussion. A tea stall is generally a small shop and often is the only source of income for the shop owner. Though a tea stall doesn’t always look great, it serves people greatly. Often people come here during their office breaks, school or college breaks and discuss random things. It also enhances their bond and helps them to get familiar with the community. It is called a mini Sangsad. A tea stall generally opens early in the morning and runs till late at night. Some tea stalls remain open the whole night and it gets very useful for the people who are working at night as a cup of hot tea can get a sleepy man back into his work. It is, in fact, a pleasure resort for people of all age groups and of all walks of life. It opens early in the morning and closes late at night. People of various classes and tastes gather here. As a result, it is usually a busy place where people can share their feelings.

A Tea Stall Paragraph
A Tea Stall Paragraph


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