Our National Flag Paragraph

 Our National Flag

Every country has a national flag of its own. As an independent country, Bangladesh also has a national flag. A national flag is the symbol of the freedom of a nation. The national flag of Bangladesh is rectangular, having a proportion of 10:6 or 5:3. The flag's background is bottle green, and it has a red circle in the middle. The green color stands for our green fields, everlasting freshness, vigor and vitality of our nation. The red circle stands for the red sun of freedom. The blood-red color of the sun is a memorial of bloody war and the sacrifice of 30 lac martyr's lives. The flag is hoisted every day on top of our important government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on the occasions of Independence Day and victory day. The national flag is kept half-mast on the occasions of national mourning days. We are proud of our country and determined to hold the prestige of our national flag.


Our National Flag Paragraph
Our National Flag Paragraph

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